January Newsletter 2024

Well, we made it through the holidays! We hope every family had a wonderful time and we wish health and prosperity for all in the New Year. The staff and I would like to thank you for the many gifts and cards we received. Each and every one was special and very much appreciated. January is a busy month at school. This month’s topics include a review of shapes, colors & numbers, the start of our study of the letters of the alphabet (keep an eye out for special letter days!), Martin Luther King, Jr., arctic animals and winter activities.

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Discovering Me Nursery School December 2023 newsletter thumbnail

December Newsletter 2023

We hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving. Now it’s on to our Winter Holidays —Hanukkah, Christmas, & Kwanzaa. That means there’s lots of seasonal festivities and fun in our classroom! This month will be an exciting time for your child. During the coming weeks, we will continue our number lessons; learn about customs and traditions of holiday celebrations as well as the start of winter. Your child will bring home projects, crafts, decorations and wonderful stories to share with you. Don’t forget to ask your child about Science Fridays.

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November Newsletter 2023

We hope everyone has recovered from their Halloween festivities. We enjoyed seeing all the children in their costumes at our party—a wonderful time was had by all! Thank you for all the goodies contributed to our party. The children must have enjoyed finding them in the trick or treat bags they made and we enjoyed a few treats as well!   

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Discovering Me Nursery School October 2023Newsletter

October Newsletter 2023

October is a calmer month now that the children have settled into the program and have become comfortable being here. This will just keep getting better and better. Our calendar outlines this month’s lessons and activities.  We will be concentrating on the Fall Season, Fire Prevention Week, begin shapes and colors, five senses and of course Halloween.  This month also includes some science and language activities. 

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September Newsletter 2023

Thank you for choosing Discovering Me for your child. We are confident that both you and your child will enjoy our program. We offer a full educational curriculum, as well as free play in a safe, secure, encouraging environment and a classroom atmosphere that stimulates skill-building and successful learning. Safety will be promoted through fun activities, with listening and language development incorporated as well. Weather permitting there will be outdoor play.

September is such an exciting month for teachers and children alike. It’s a month of new beginnings—new surroundings, new friends, new experiences, new skills, and new challenges!

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Discovering Me Nursery School June 2023 Thumbnail

June Newsletter 2023

As we are reaching the end of the 2022-2023 academic year we hope you and your child had as much fun in the program as we did in presenting it. We would also like to thank our amazing staff for all their hard work and dedication. We are blessed to have such a loyal, loving and professional staff working with us. We thank each and every one from the bottom of our hearts and are honored to consider them family. They are a great asset to our program and have impacted the lives of all the children that have passed through our doors.

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May Newsletter 2023

Spring is finally here and hopefully the nice weather associated with the season will arrive and stay with us for a while. The topics that will be covered this month in Ms. Christine & Ms. Rose’s class include continuing with the study of the letters of the alphabet, the farm and planting as well as sight words with our Pre-K classes. Ms. Niki’s topics include planting, dinosaurs, and zoo animals. Our Science Fridays will be done in all classes. Please check your child’s calendar for specific daily activities.

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April Newsletter 2023

Spring is finally here and hopefully the nice weather associated with the season will arrive and stay with us for a while. The topics that will be covered this month in Ms. Christine & Ms. Rose’s class include continuing with the study of the letters of the alphabet, the farm and planting as well as sight words with our Pre-K classes. Ms. Niki’s topics include planting, dinosaurs, and zoo animals. Our Science Fridays will be done in all classes. Please check your child’s calendar for specific daily activities.

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March Newsletter 2023

Three more weeks and spring will finally be here.  We have a very busy month ahead of us with Dr. Seuss’ Birthday, a favorite author of ours, St. Patrick’s Day, the arrival of spring and many other fun activities including our Science Fridays. This month we will continue the letters of the alphabet.  Other topics for the month include rhyming, St. Patrick’s Day fun, and Spring Crafts.  The change in weather in March as well as the arrival of spring will lead to all kinds of science lessons that the children love to do.

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DMNS February Newsletter Thumbnail

February Newsletter 2023

February is a month of feelings and love. At school we will focus on teaching the children to love, respect, and care for one another.
This month we will continue our emphasis on the letters of the alphabet—sight and sound recognition. Our lessons will incorporate Black History Month, Ground Hog Day, Lincoln’s & Washington’s Birthday, President’s Day and Valentine’s crafts. We will also be having Pajama Day this month – a favorite of ours and the children. An e-mail will be sent as a reminder. February is also Dental Health Month so we will have lessons on dental health and possibly a visit from the dentist.

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