Download the February 2023 Newsletter >
Dear Parents,
February is a month of feelings and love. At school we will focus on teaching the children to love, respect, and care for one another.
This month we will continue our emphasis on the letters of the alphabet—sight and sound recognition. Our lessons will incorporate Black History Month, Ground Hog Day, Lincoln’s & Washington’s Birthday, President’s Day and Valentine’s crafts. We will also be having Pajama Day this month – a favorite of ours and the children. An e-mail will be sent as a reminder. February is also Dental Health Month so we will have lessons on dental health and possibly a visit from the dentist. Read more below.
Please follow us on social media for all the latest news & events:
Facebook: discoveringmenurseryschool
Instagram: discoveringmenursery
YouTube: Discovering Me Nursery School
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